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ABCs of 1st Grade

Absence- Please be sure to call the school if your child will be absent.
(570) 644-0375   If the school does not receive a call, you will be called. This is for the protection of your child.  Students must also have a note the day they return to school.   


Birthdays- Birthday treats for sharing are not permitted. Students may bring 1 item to show and tell on their birthday.  Students may wear appropriate dress down clothes on their birthday. 


Contact me- If you have any concerns or questions, please contact me immediately.  Our Remind App and E-mail are the best ways to reach me.  My email address is
If you have time sensitive information, please call the office so Mrs. Mack can relay your message to me immediately.


Drill- Math facts and sight words (once introduced) should be drilled daily, until the children have it memorized for quick recall.  


Evaluations- I try to evaluate all work the children do and send home daily papers on a regular basis and test folders periodically. Daily papers need not be returned. Any test papers that should be signed and returned will be placed in a test folder.  


 Folders – Please check your child’s folder each day to be certain that nothing needs immediate attention. A behavior chart will be sent home each day. Please mark your initials in the box for that day.   


Gym- Monday is our gym day.
Grades – You will note that papers are corrected with errors marked. It would be a good idea to review daily papers with the children as they come home.
Test grades will be marked on papers and posted on Rediker.   


Homework – Please be sure that your child completes homework routinely.  This reviews what we have been learning in class and is important in establishing good habits for the future.


Instagram- We will have a private classroom Instagram page so you can see what we have been up to in first grade. You can find it by searching mrsdavis1b.   


Just Read It! –  Encourage children to read everything – cereal boxes, street signs, newspaper headlines, store signs, etc. This way reading is occurring everywhere. Encourage your child to sound out words whenever the opportunity arises. You will be amazed at how quickly the children are doing this on their own. Children should be reading at least 15 minutes each day.  


Kindness is the main ingredient in first grade. Our focus in religion is the two great commandments as we learn to love God and appreciate his goodness, and to love and respect our neighbor.  

 Lunch – Students will have 30 mins. for lunch. If packing, please pack appropriately for this time.


Mass – First grade will attend mass once a month with Father Andrew in our school chapel.  
Notes - Keep in mind that I may not be able to respond to a note you send to school the same day. I am not ignoring you, but rather that I find it difficult to compose a sensible answer to questions when students surround me.  I will respond to your questions and concerns as soon as possible. 


Organized While Learning- Student folders will be used throughout the year to hold weekly homework assignments, behavior charts, classroom info and review materials.  Please use it daily. 


Pencil Cases- Please check in with your child on their school supplies on a regular basis. Be sure your child always has crayons and glue sticks. A note will be sent home when your child is running low on a supply.


Question your child each day about what happened in school. Rather than asking, “How was your day?” or “What did you do?”  Be specific. “Tell me a new word you learned.”  “Show me a problem that you learned in math.” “Tell me about a story you read or a picture you drew or a sentence you wrote.” This is the best way for the children to review what they have learned during the day.   

Reminders - I will send home a reminder sheet and/or Remind App message when we have an important event approaching.  Please be sure to take note.  


Snacks – Please limit this to one small nutritious snack each day. Students will have about 15 minutes.
Sickness- Students must be fever free for 48 hours without medication before returning to school. Please send
                 an absentee note into school when your child returns.  


Transportation home – If your child is a car rider please let me know who will be picking up your child. If your child normally rides a bus and will be picked up on a certain day, the child must have a note; otherwise he/she will be placed on the bus. This is for your child’s protection.   


Uniforms – Please be sure that your child is dressed in the complete school uniform. Please also be sure his/her name is written in all sweaters, sweatshirts, sweatpants, etc.   


Vacation - Please if at all possible, avoid vacation days during the school year. Keep in mind that it is very difficult for children to make up all missed work. Completing worksheets and workbook pages does not make up the missed classroom discussion and activities. If a vacation must be scheduled during the school year a note should be sent to Sister Maureen before time for her approval.   


Web page – Our classroom web address is Here you will find a lot of useful information about our classroom happenings, upcoming events, and pictures of what we've been doing in class. 


 X – “eXtra special”. I hope that everything we do this year in first grade will make the year an extra special one for your child.  


You - You are your child’s most important teacher. If your child sees you pray, your child will pray. If your child sees you read, your child will read. If your child sees you volunteer, your child will volunteer. Etc. 


 Z’s – Be sure your child gets to sleep early! First grade is an intensive year, with a long full day of activities. In order to have your child do his/her best it is extremely important that they come to school well rested.

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